Monday 5 December 2011

Are we free?

Many people ask this question"Are we free"
The answer of majority is that we are not free but they do not understand meaning of the word free.
You are free as long as you do not affect the other person.
It is true that a person have rights but a person did not have right to stear something or to kill someone.
My answer is that we are not free because for me meaning of the word free is that we do not have school every week , we shouldn't take the capacity test before we go to high school , do not matter if we take small notes.
That means for me to be free,that my answer at the question "are we free?" is half and half

Saturday 19 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

The WHERE I'M FROM Template

I am fromshirt, from Snikers and Rom.
I am from the white walls.
I am from the Christmas, the rugby.
I am from eating turkey on Christmas and positive, from Matei and Paul and Nechita.
I am from hardworking father and kindnes mother.
From Robinson Crusoe and Cinderela.
I'm from Giurgiu, vegetables and turkey.
From the hip hop music, the drive scooter, and the never say never.
I am from my born day.